Charlie (really,
not Charles) David Fiskeaux II graduated
with honors from Asbury College, with an art degree and a computer graphics
emphasis. He worked at Presentation Graphics in Lexington, Kentucky
for four years, specializing in photo editing, web page design, and
CD-ROM design. He now works at The Cre8tive Group here
in Wilmore, which he has described as his dream job: media author/designer,
with emphases on CD-ROM authoring and internet/CD-ROM multimedia. Charlie is a self-described "Treknologist," being most interested in the technology side of Star Trek. He also takes pleasure in reading, music, doing artsy things (like drawing and photography), playing board and video games, collecting Beanie Babies with personality, computers, Dr. Pepper, and Peanut Butter Pie (or just about any combination of chocolate and peanut butter). Charlie sings bass with and serves as webmaster for The Kentuckians, Lexington's chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America (or S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. for short). He very recently started singing baritone with a quartet which currently has no name. Charlie was also part of a makeshift men's gospel quartet at church. They only rehearsed four or five times, but they still sounded pretty good. As bass, Charlie got to sing a lot of solos and lead-ins, as is prevalent in gospel music. Here are recordings (of okay quality) of the songs they sang: